Foleon Academy

Advanced design
Advanced design
Advanced design

About the Course

Welcome to our Advanced design course. Learn all about more advanced features and tricks of the editor to make your content stand out even more with these five lessons. This course is for designers with basic knowledge of the Foleon editor. Let's get started!

Key learnings:

  • Several advanced features.
  • Design tips and tricks.

💡 This course is for both Content Studio and Content Builder users.

Looking for a 1-1 design Q&A session? Our Professional Services team can be of help. Have a look at their offering here.

Course Categories

Content Builder
Content Studio
Course Progress
Not started
Course Outline
  1. Lessons Advanced design course
    1. Column Hacks
    2. Animations
    3. Typography and symbols
    4. Create GIFs
    5. Foleon tables
    6. Element height setting
    7. Course survey
Advanced design
Advanced design
Course Progress
Not started

About the Course

Welcome to our Advanced design course. Learn all about more advanced features and tricks of the editor to make your content stand out even more with these five lessons. This course is for designers with basic knowledge of the Foleon editor. Let's get started!

Key learnings:

  • Several advanced features.
  • Design tips and tricks.

💡 This course is for both Content Studio and Content Builder users.

Looking for a 1-1 design Q&A session? Our Professional Services team can be of help. Have a look at their offering here.

Course Outline
  1. Lessons Advanced design course
    1. Column Hacks
    2. Animations
    3. Typography and symbols
    4. Create GIFs
    5. Foleon tables
    6. Element height setting
    7. Course survey

Course Categories

Content Builder
Content Studio